photos by Pieter Rabijns

This park, designed by Baukunst, forms a welcoming green oasis in a dense neighborhood. The site that once housed a bike pedal factory, is transformed into a lively park equipped with a playground and outdoor gym, all custom designed by the architects.

The pinnacle of the park is the astonishing concrete structure in the back, that due to the topographical height difference, towers over the green space. The canopy structures the park and enlarges its depth. It could house small events, but day-to-day it’s the backdrop for many football and basketball games. As with Baukunst’s other work the canopy feels like an object on the line between engineering (BAU) and art (KUNST). The refined detailing takes the structure to the next level.

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

PHOTOS BY Pieter Rabijns

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