photos by Marco Cappelletti

The project is the renovation of a house belonging to a complex built in the 1980s on the north coast of Portugal. Over the years some elements built on the facade towards the garden, have compromised the relationship with the outside and the spread of light in the rooms. The project starts from rethinking and reusing these elements (a veranda and a bathroom tower), which when emptied become a sort of light device but also a bond between outside and inside.

The “mistake” elements of architecture become central elements and generators of a new condition where the house merges with the garden. A new volume of concrete, a long kitchen counter, crosses in a transversal way the new spatial sequence.

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

PHOTOS BY Marco Cappelletti

Collaborators: Yiyuan Shi

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