photos by Simone Bossi

The apartment designed for a saxophonist is located in a historical building in Rome city center, in the urban context of the Rione Esquilino, facing the “Acquario Romano”. The original apartment has undergone several changes over time, decreasing the historical character and altering the original spacesOur aim was to restore the original walls, allowing a continuous connection
between each individual room, ensuring maximum permeability of the spaces.

The details of the original ceiling decorations is a recurring motive: every room has a different set of decorations which characterizes the historical style of the apartment in a harmonious coexistence with the contemporary furniture and technologies. All rooms are provided with chevron hardwood floors, with an exception for the bathroom that features a continuous resin floor. An essential intervention, capable of enhancing its history in harmony with the needs of contemporary living.

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

PHOTOS BY Simone Bossi

Collaborators: Lorenzo Catena, Onorato di Manno, Andrea Tanci

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