photos by Filippo Poli Photography

An ancient and listed building, heritage of the past, becomes a new home/office, intertwining a dialog between indoor and outdoor, place and space, voids and levels, walls and glasses. The roof with terrace, skylight and pv panels becomes a fifth “facade”. Like in a Piranesi’s work you can move in many directions through the space.The architectural recovery of the historical listed settlement Casa Gualerzi is based on the preservation of the typological and morphological building’s characters.

The project works on existing indoor levels, reinterpreted contemporarily, whereas voids and full spaces of the historical facades and the typological elements such as the porch, don’t change but becomes key points to define free plans inside the volume, that slide on each other generating double and triple height cavities.

The staircase is studied on the columns original system of the barn. the spaces on the first floor underline the juxtaposition of the central body of the east wing through the introduction of a double flight stair that links all internal levels, appearing as trasparent cases hanging into the volume. This movement of leves originates new enclosed surfaces caring about privacy while, at the same time it allows the hayloft spaces to be read and looked up in their beauty.

PHOTOS BY Filippo Poli Photography

PHOTOS BY Filippo Poli Photography

PHOTOS BY Filippo Poli Photography

PHOTOS BY Filippo Poli Photography

PHOTOS BY Filippo Poli Photography

PHOTOS BY Filippo Poli Photography

PHOTOS BY Filippo Poli Photography

PHOTOS BY Filippo Poli Photography

Collaborators: Matteo Gabbi, Marco Borghi, Christian Gasparini

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A complex research which aims to highlight the quality of architecture over any other aspect. We believe that architecture plays a meaningful role in society and that architects should be able to share the beauty they manage to create through their works, in a well mannered and considerate way: free of distractive advertisements and unpleasant commercials. Complesco is therefore a focused platform that wishes to take architecture to the highest level of consideration, believing that an appropriate selection will win over quantitative and generic architecture that is taking over the places we inhabit. Complesco is a tool to stop cheap apathy and indifference, towards a possible future of surrounding beauty.

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