photos by Guido Garotti

The project concerns the almost complete demolition and reconstruction of a crumbling farmhouse in the northern Italy, near Bologna. Despite a substantially imposed volume and openings, the interior is more freely solved. A series of views are generated either on the domestic or towards the agricultural  landscape, which expands the space and enriches the life of the young couple. The simplicity of the composition and the use of traditional materials conceals the complexity of the joints and the control of the details.

PHOTOS BY Guido Garotti

PHOTOS BY Guido Garotti

PHOTOS BY Guido Garotti

PHOTOS BY Guido Garotti

PHOTOS BY Guido Garotti

PHOTOS BY Guido Garotti

PHOTOS BY Guido Garotti

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A complex research which aims to highlight the quality of architecture over any other aspect. We believe that architecture plays a meaningful role in society and that architects should be able to share the beauty they manage to create through their works, in a well mannered and considerate way: free of distractive advertisements and unpleasant commercials. Complesco is therefore a focused platform that wishes to take architecture to the highest level of consideration, believing that an appropriate selection will win over quantitative and generic architecture that is taking over the places we inhabit. Complesco is a tool to stop cheap apathy and indifference, towards a possible future of surrounding beauty.

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