photos by Lorena Darquea

PHOTOS BY Lorena Darquea

Casa Taller Tampiquito refers as a house and ceramic workshop realized for an industrial designer in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. The plot of 150 m2, characterizes by its diamond shape, and a 2.00 m level difference from the street. The frontal façade of the property heads to the south with views to the mountains, to the west to a public stairway, condition that permits a corner treatment. The two programs are easily identified as the house being the upper closed volume and the shop the inferior void. The volume  is raised by the two perimetral walls and is retracted to the back of the site, allowing a clearer view to the mountains and opening space from the street.

PHOTOS BY Lorena Darquea

PHOTOS BY Lorena Darquea

PHOTOS BY Lorena Darquea

The access to the house is by a stair bridge, caused because the house is half a level higher than  the street, with this  giving  priority and exclusivity to its entrance and amplify and better ventilation to the workshop below, permitting sights to the mountains.  The work area, also descendant its realized as a fold between the access-garage and the atelier, connected with a stair, making an easier access to the public.  Below the parking, connected to de shop exists an office space that amplifies and complements it.

The Casa Taller Tampiquito consists of several areas for independent activities divided and organized by overlying plans but interconnected by section. This relationship is made by a double and triple height, but mainly by its round path, makes the connection of spaces an experience of contemplation and surprise by using light in different ways, emphasizing perspectives, framing views, counterpoints in heights and widths and also by sounds and materials

Some of the sections of the circulation are exposed at different levels inviting to explore the house, by walking it, perspectives develop that  connect visually the levels- The path revolves around cores giving the impression of being and disappearing, and appear again, this cores harbor different services and are distinguished by the finish and color.
The project, which characterizes for being very open, achieves a spatial scope, natural light. The scale and deepness, added to the design of the rotating parasols, regulate the light, radiation and visual permeability, generating a place of refuge and visual control, achieving a protected exposure.

PHOTOS BY Lorena Darquea

PHOTOS BY Lorena Darquea

PHOTOS BY Lorena Darquea

PHOTOS BY Lorena Darquea

PHOTOS BY Lorena Darquea

Collaborators: Cinthia Cavazos

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